Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Next Adventure: Parenthood

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.
So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD.” And he worshiped the LORD there.
~I Samuel 1:27-28

We would like to announce the most joyous occasion in our lives: the birth of our firstborn son Jason Scott Jr. (J. J.) on October 5th, 2011. Words cannot express how ecstatic we both are for this wonderful, handsome, precious answer to prayer. Both mom and baby are doing well and are getting comfortable back at home. Read on for our abbreviated birth story:

The adventure began during our 3 year wedding anniversary on October 4th. We were eating great food at Chester's restaurant when Katherine started to have contractions. We both thought this was most likely false labor, so we blew it off. Over the next several hours, the contractions started getting stronger and more consistent. We went in to labor and delivery but were sent home a few hours later, because Katherine was not yet in active labor. Katherine describes the next 1.25 hours as the most painful of her life as she continued to labor at home. We took a trek back to the hospital and were informed that Katherine was dilated to 9 cm! We were having a baby. =) After only 50 minutes of pushing, our miracle was born. Praise the Lord!

Mom, J. J. and our wonderful physician, Dr. Liz Westby

J. J. was 7 lb 13 oz and 21 1/4 inches long!

It seems Junior takes after his dad with his abnormally large feet.

The new O'Grady clan a few hours after delivery.

We may be biased, but have you ever seen a more adorable kid?

Katherine is absolutely radiant on J. J.'s 2nd day

We are having a blast being parents. Thank you so much for your prayers as we embark on this journey. It is our prayer that J. J. will grow up to be a Godly man, set apart for His service.